"You knit me together in my mother's womb. I will praise You, because I have been remarkably and wonderfully made." Psalm 139:13-14

5 weeks: Hunger, mood swings, and more hunger!

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My 5th week of pregnancy saw the introduction of killer mood swings and extreme exhaustion. I have also been eating everything in sight. I've had quite the short fuse this week and Tony is trying his best to just stay out of my way. Poor guy! I've been having a lot of trouble sleeping at night. I've been waking up with quite a bit of low back pain and I just can't seem to get comfortable. Thank God I work for a chiropractor! Chiropractic care during pregnancy has been proven to lessen back pain throughout pregnancy and it helps shorten the duration and severity of labor pain as well. Plus, it will help get me back in tip-top shape after the baby is born, too. God bless chiropractic care! Even though Tony thinks I am a little crazy, our baby's first doctor's appointment will take place with Dr. Chandler when she gives the baby their very first adjustment. She lives very close to the hospital where I will give birth so hopefully the baby will be adjusted just hours after their birth so their little nervous system will have the best possible start!

I am looking forward to my first prenatal appointment on January 13th, even though I won't actually see the doctor until around my 10th or 11th week of pregnancy. At this first appointment, I will have a lot of preliminary blood work done. Then when I see the doctor, I'll have my first ultrasound and we will get to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time! I can't wait! Even though I know that the little booger is in there (and 2 First Response pregnancy tests know too), it will still take a load off my mind to have it confirmed by a professional. :-)

I found out on New Year's Eve that one of my dearest friends, Jessica, is also pregnant with her first child and our due dates will be within days of each other. We are so excited to get to share this experience together!


Unknown said...

yep..i'll be there to get that little sweetheart adjusted!