19 Weeks: Make-up and Hair Bows and Barbies, Oh My! IT'S A GIRL!!!
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It turns out I do have maternal instincts after all: IT’S A GIRL!!! I’ve had this gut feeling (pun intended) since the moment I found out I was pregnant that I was having a little girl and it turns out, I was right! On Good Friday we went for our second ultrasound (we being myself, Tony and my parents and my sister in Phoenix via speakerphone on my cell) and there’s no mistaking that Little Miss Emmaline Elizabeth (a.k.a. Emmy) is on her way! After the ultrasound Tony said to me, “You know, they could be wrong. It could be a little boy.” To which I replied, “I hope for his sake that it’s not a boy because if it is, he’s got a very unfortunate situation going on below the belt.” Tony didn’t think that was very funny. Tony (like all men) was hoping for a little boy but now that a few days have passed, he’s excited about little Emmy. He sent me a text message yesterday morning that said “I can’t even stop thinking about Emmy for 5 minutes.” She’s already got daddy wrapped around her little finger!

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