"You knit me together in my mother's womb. I will praise You, because I have been remarkably and wonderfully made." Psalm 139:13-14

24 Weeks: Marilyn Got It All Wrong!

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Marilyn Monroe once said that diamonds are a girl’s best friend. I beg to differ: I think naps are a girl’s best friend. (At least a 6-months-pregnant girl’s best friend) Maybe it’s because I’ve been super busy the last couple of weeks, or maybe it’s because it’s taking more and more energy to support my ever-expanding belly, but a nap during my lunch break is quickly becoming my favorite pastime. We have this fabulous reclining massage chair at the office in the therapy room and if eat my lunch really fast and turn out all the lights, I can easily get in a peaceful, hour-long slumber before I have to start my afternoon. Who needs diamonds when I can sleep for an extra hour every day?

One VERY exciting thing happened this week: Tony finally got to feel Emmy move! I’ve been feeling her for weeks now but lately she’s been kicking harder and harder and while I was lying on the couch the other night, I put Tony’s hand on my belly but at first Emmy wasn’t kicking hard enough for Tony to feel her and then all of a sudden, she kicked me harder than she’s ever kicked me before! It was almost like she was telling Tony, “See Daddy? I really am in here and Mommy’s not just getting super fat!” Tony’s face was priceless! His eyes got big and the sappiest grin spread across his face. It was so precious! He’s already the World’s Greatest Daddy!

23 Weeks: Like Mother, Like Daughter?

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When I had the ultrasound at 19 weeks that determined that Emmy is a girl, the doctor wanted me to also undergo a third, move diagnostic ultrasound so they could get a better look at her heart and abdominal organs. They assured me that there was nothing that they saw in the ultrasound at 19 weeks that made them think there were any problems or concerns, but because of all of my pre-existing medical conditions that could affect her development, it’s better to be safe than sorry so off to the hospital we went—again. Accompanied by my mom and dad, henceforth known as Nana and Papa, we got another glimpse into Emmy’s fascinating little world. One of the first things we got to see was something that assured me that she’s going to be at least a little like her mother—she was sucking her thumb! (Not that I do that now, but my mother was terrified that I was going to start Kindergarten with my thumb in my mouth!) And from what I could tell, she has my toes, too! Her nose is still a toss-up, my mom thinks she’ll have my nose, I think she’ll have Tony’s precious little nose.

One thing was definitely determined this morning, though: Tony can stop secretly thinking that there’s a chance she’s really a boy. She is, without a doubt, all girl! Ever since we started telling people that we found out we’re having a girl, all we’ve heard are stories from women who were told they were having little girls, only to get a surprise in the delivery room! These stories left Tony wondering if he might be getting a little boy after all. But after this morning, those thoughts can finally be put to rest. She’ll just have to be a little girl who wears camo and shoots guns with her Daddy and Papa!